From Investment to Alimony
Video Transcript: Hello, everybody, this is Oklahoma City attorney Dustin Peterson. Continuing with our segment on equitable property division, today we have another set of facts.
In this particular case, the husband and wife were going through a divorce where the wife had worked through the marriage for a period of about 12 years, while the husband, on the other hand, was going to medical school. At the time of the divorce, the couple did not have much property to divide, so the wife wanted to ask for a monetary judgment of alimony against her husband’s future wages as a doctor. Of course, he objected to this because he had not made those wages yet.
A medical degree is, of course, intangible property that arguably is not separable. Yet I think the court’s going to allow this. In fact, they have.Β And the reason is, is because the wife, having supported the family during this period, was an investment into the future of the family.
Whereas the husband, after completion of his medical training, would receive quite a good salary, as you can imagine. And so she looked forward to the time where she could enjoy the prestige and profitability of being a doctor’s wife.
So in this particular case, the court determined what the husband’s future wages might be and they awarded an equitable portion of that to be given to the wife in alimony. And if you have questions about alimony or property division, please call me, an Oklahoma alimony lawyer, at 405-880-8222, or look me up online at