Establishing Fatherhood: Your Legal Rights Matter
Hi, my name is Dillan Savage of Wirth Law Firm – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Today we are going to be discussing the importance of opening a paternity lawsuit in the event that you have a child out of wedlock.
Before a paternity case is opened and you are adjudicated the father of the minor child or children, you, as a father with children out of wedlock, do not technically have custodial rights. The mother always has the upper hand and can make decisions regarding the child without your input. There are no legal rights that you have in regards to custody and time with those children.
The Necessity of Establishing Legal Rights
It is extremely important to open a paternity case, even if you are getting along with your significant other or if you are sharing time with your child. Once you open that paternity case, you can move forward with requesting custody arrangements or formalizing your current shared time. But the most crucial aspect is being adjudicated by a court of law as the father of the minor child or children.
Once you are adjudicated, you will have a legitimate claim to custody and parenting time. You will also gain the rights and responsibilities that come naturally to parents who have had a child while married. However, if the child is born out of wedlock, these rights are not automatic, even if you sign the birth certificate.
Taking the Next Steps
Therefore, opening a paternity case and being formally recognized as the father is essential for your rights as a parent. If you found this information helpful or believe it could assist someone else, please feel free to reach out to me, Dillan Savage, the Oklahoma City attorney. I hope you found value in this discussion.
Schedule a Low-Cost Consultation Today!
If you have questions or need assistance regarding paternity cases, do not hesitate to contact us at 405-888-5400 for a low-cost consultation. We are here to help you navigate the complexities of family law.